The Mondrian After Dark module inverts random rectangles on the screen. If you choose Clear Screen First, the screen will be erased when Mondrian is invoked. Otherwise, the rectangles will invert whatever image is already on the screen. With the Delay slider, you can specify the time between rectangles are inverted. Mondrian produces a really good effect on black and white monitors, and it looks even better in color.
Version 1.1 changes
• Fixed the problem with an incorrect delay
Shareware Info
This After Dark module is Shareware. This means that you can shell out as many copies of it as you want to as many people as you want — as long as you keep this document with them. But if you keep a copy for your own personal use, and if you are an honorable person, you will send me $5 for the work I have put into it. And even if you don’t keep it, send me a letter or GEnie Email telling me what you thought of it. Any ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, bug reports, etc. are welcome.
When you send me the $5, you will be registered with me for having payed the shareware fee. Being registered means you will be notified either by GEnie or standard mail of any major upgrades to the products you have registered for. You only need to register once, unless you really want to send me some money. When you send me the shareware fee, include your GEnie address if you have one.
If very few people register, I might decide not to distribute any new versions or bug fixes.